Past Engagements

Local (Texas)

Barksdale, B. A. (2016, November). Constructing meaning during reading: Strategic processing for young readers. Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Hurst, Texas

Kerbs, M., & Barksdale, B. A. (2016, November). Struggling readers: Reading and writing connections. Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Hurst, Texas.

Barksdale, B. A. (2016, February). Struggling readers: First steps. Presented at the annual forum of Texas Woman’s University Rose F. Spicola Forum in Reading, Denton, Texas

Kerbs, M., & Barksdale, B. A. (2015, November). The power of writing with struggling readers. Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Dallas, Texas

Barksdale, B. A. (2014, November). Primary students can monitor comprehension too! (In-service teacher focus) Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Dallas, Texas

Barksdale, B. A. (2014, September). Primary students can monitor comprehension too! (Pre-service teacher focus) Presented at the annual conference of Texas Association for Institutional Research, Denton, Texas

Barksdale, B. A. (2014, March). Primary students can monitor comprehension too! (Pre-service teacher focus) Presented at the annual forum of Texas Woman’s University Rose F. Spicola Forum in Reading, Denton, Texas

Barksdale, B. A. (2013, November). Analyzing running records for effective instructional decisions. Presented at the annual conference of Texas Woman’s University Billie J. Askew Reading Recovery and K-6 Literacy Institute, Dallas, Texas


District Level Professional Development

Barksdale, B. A., & Gruenwald, J. (invited, October, 2018). Reciprocity: Strategies for working with struggling readers. To be presented at Kildeer Countryside School District Professional Development Day, Kildeer, Illinois.

Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2018, July). Who’s doing the work? Online book study. Conducted online for Kildeer Countryside School District Professional Development Summer Program.

Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2017, July). Who’s doing the work? Online book study. Conducted online for Kildeer Countryside School District Professional Development Summer Program.

Peacock, J., & Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2016, January). Your secret weapon: Wait time. Presented at Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District Professional Development Day, Saginaw, Texas

Sarchet, N., Fletcher, M., Barksdale, B. A., & Peacock, J. (invited, 2015, October). Backwards design planning. Presented at Eagle Mountain-Saginaw Independent School District Professional Development Day, Saginaw, Texas

Barksdale, B. A. (invited, 2015, August). Guided reading and beyond. Presented at Coppell Independent School district Summer Reading Institute, Coppell, Texas