Yep – That is Frank Serafini

I have gotten this question, “How do you meet so many cool literacy people?” Well, let me tell you… go to conferences and follow them around! In all seriousness, I have met so many literacy leaders through working with my graduate school and putting myself out there. I go to planning committees for the conference (at TWU graduate students are invited to learn the process and to volunteer your time) so I am there when the question is asked, who wants to introduce the keynote speaker? My hand goes up and I jump at the chance. Or if one of my fellow colleagues want that privilege, I will jump at the change to meet them at the airport, or drive them around. I put myself out there to have conversations about literacy and even the weather. It has been these opportunities that have driven me in my journey of becoming a literacy leader too. Everyone I have met has been so gracious and kind to me. So, put yourself out there. Go to those conferences, follow your literacy leader and don’t be afraid to start up a conversation and introduce yourself. You just never know!